E01还行 节奏气氛对味委员长游戏是现代犯罪政治类型剧的调调冬兵赎罪线比较有意思阿毛的家庭I dont care有些地方不对劲比如开头你这有动力的和滑翔翼打个五五开合适吗最后警察基友录像委员长游戏是隐藏摄像掉出来了不然怎么有这种目击者视角最后出现的“美队”这个猪腰子脸丑爆不过播出时机太不赶巧了三天前刚发生asia hate仇杀事件这集一开始就来个杀亚裔不提stark遗嘱我都没想到妮已经不在了印象中总觉得他们还都是壮年只是超英退休退居幕后了而已E02疑似被家暴女加入恐怖组织黑人被盘问这些桥段觉得太浅显直接了显得廉价尴尬强行卖腐婚姻咨询也挺没劲的 除了刻意推进剧情让人翻白眼都说新美队果然是反派但其实是挺悲哀的角色E04对人物的塑造挺好的
To me it is like watching two poor people fooled and enslaved by their feelings and emotions. Love is not (only) emotions and feelings, but commitment and responsibility. You can't expect there arise a true love only from four-day interactions. It's an affair triggered by lust and selfish desire. I don't understand why we would glamorize it as real romance or